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Working from Home with Young Children
Effective Schedule and Activities for Your Toddler and Preschool-Age Children Working from home has become the new normal now, with the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic changing our way of life, not only for the meantime but possibly from here on out. This means that with public schools closed, businesses closed, and preschools limited, […]
4 Tips For A Successful Nighttime Routine
4 Tips for a successful nighttime routine Nighttimes can be tough; for parents and preschool-age children alike. Kids find it so unfair that they’re sent to bed earlier than everyone else. Why should they miss out on all the fun?! Or they might be too excited to sleep. Or they might be scared. In […]
Reading With Your Child Is Beneficial
Read with Your Child Ages Infant, Toddler or Preschool! One simple activity, many developmental benefits. Reading is one activity with many benefits to foster a child’s early development. When you spend time reading to/with your child, you are doing so much more than teaching them about the information in that particular book. Here is a […]
4 Benefits of Taking Your Child to Parent Participation Classes
Mommy and Me Classes. Daddy and Me Classes. Parent Participation Classes Parents want to give their child the best start in life and know that the time they spend with them is crucial to their development. Sometimes, however, they feel the need to look outside of their own home environment for stimulating activities […]
3 steps to a smooth transition back to work after maternity/paternity leave
Returning To Work After Maternity or Paternity Leave (From Your Infant, Toddler or Preschool Age Child) Returning to work after maternity/paternity leave is an important transition in a working parent’s life. It is also a huge time for your infant, toddler or preschool-age child’s life. With some forethought, the stress over this transition can be […]